Husbandry is key

When I started out with bearded dragons, there was so much conflicting information for dragon care. What actually produces healthy, strong, and happy dragons? Follow along on our instagram page where we always share old and new findings to help you produce and care for these remarkable creatures.


Some of our old, current, and future breeders!

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Nala (F)

Our only dragon not named after a biblical character. The only reason is we got her from a friend in the reptile community and he named her Nala and we wanted to honor her name. Nala means Queen and Lion and she is just that. Hypo, Trans, Wits. Retired


We bought over 15 reds all to find the strongest, healthiest, and best structure to reproduce. A sweetheart and has produced some very nice dragons. Some of our strongest and sweetest dragons. A red het hypo possible het trans.


Athaliah (F)

Intelligent, alert and a bit mischievous, Athaliah is always up for an adventure. The only dragon we have that acts like a cat with the laser pointer. She is our beautiful high color Witblits. Hypo, Leather, Translucent, Wits. Retired


Absalom (M)

One big dude with a fantastic head on him, excited to see the zeros this one, Lord willing, produces for us in the 2023 season. Hypo, het zero, possible het trans.

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Jacob (M)

Huge head, huge tail, just one huge dude. Probably the oldest and wisest of my male dragons. He enjoys reading books by the fire while listening to the rain out side. Hypo Blue Bar, Het Wits, Het Zero.

Baara (F)

She might look basic, but she packs some amazing genetics. Hypo, het trans, het wits, and het zero. We spent the last 3 years trying to produce the perfect het wero dragons, always looking for the best growers, best structure, and overall health. When you’re dealing with this many morphs at one time you need to be exteramly careful, and not just breed any old het wero.


Abraham (M)

Abraham is one cool dude. And he knows it. He struts around with pure confidence and is always ready to show off for the ladies. He is the father to two of our het weros. He is retired. Our stud Hypo Zero, Het Translucent.

Leah (F)

A young dragon with an old soul. Leah acts like she has seen some stuff, but she basically just gets spoiled and hand fed most days from her admirers. We nicknamed her Oreo and she is one of our Hypo Het Zeros het trans.

Boaz (M)

Boaz is very new to the breeding world, and needless to say he is VERY excited to be joining this fun and exciting career. Probably our most fit and muscular of all our dragons, hates sitting still, and always on the move. Destroys food like no other dragon I have ever seen. 1/8 barbata, het hypo, het zero, het wits, possible het trans. We also produced him in house!


Hannah (F)

Lots of years in the making, we produced her mother a stunning 1/4 barbata, hypo zero, het trans and her father, a crazy spunky, wits, het trans. Which produced this stunning powerhouse 1/8th barbata, het hypo, het wits, het zero, possible het trans. She just turned two and this will be our first year pairing her.

Mordecai (M)

A work of art and one we hope to out cross with some of our reds and citrus dragons. He eats like it’s going out of style. Would gladly eat your fingers if you let him. Straight up crazy cool scaling deep dark red male.

Ruth (F)

Another one of our quad hets (het hypo, het zero, het wits, het trans). She is also 1/4th Barbata

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Hey, I’m Peter Mahar!

Your guide to all things dragon care and breeding. When I started out with bearded dragons I found it so difficult to find actual concrete info for good proper care. I hope to bridge that gap for you and make learning fun and way more effective for creating truly healthy and beautiful dragons. I’ve gone hard for the whole world of bearded dragons and am honored when you join me for the ride!

What We Do

We specialize in bearded dragons, we don't sell bugs or any other reptile. We eat and sleep all things bearded dragons and love every minute of it. Lots of zeros and hypo zeros as well as hypo trans zeros are coming up! We will also be doing more witblits and beautiful reds and citrus blue bars. We also will have some leatherbacks, dunner, and stunning breeders for you to make your own beautiful and healthy dragons.



Did you say organic?

We grow almost all our own greens for our dragons in our backyard. We get way more variety, and constant access to as much fresh greens that we might need. Is your dragon having difficulty eating their greens? Follow us on instagram where we show different tips and tricks to getting your dragon eating the greens they need.

Our instagram