Full Red Monster Leatherback Female (C2 Red I)


A beautiful leatherback full red monster female. Eating and growing great, parents are photographed at the end.

Pairing: Leatherback Red Monster possible het hypo X Red Monster Trans, possible het hypo 

Genetics: Het trans red monster possible het hypo 

Hatch date March 5th, 2024

Sex: Female

57 grames on June 26th, 2024

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A beautiful leatherback full red monster female. Eating and growing great, parents are photographed at the end.

Pairing: Leatherback Red Monster possible het hypo X Red Monster Trans, possible het hypo 

Genetics: Het trans red monster possible het hypo 

Hatch date March 5th, 2024

Sex: Female

57 grames on June 26th, 2024

A beautiful leatherback full red monster female. Eating and growing great, parents are photographed at the end.

Pairing: Leatherback Red Monster possible het hypo X Red Monster Trans, possible het hypo 

Genetics: Het trans red monster possible het hypo 

Hatch date March 5th, 2024

Sex: Female

57 grames on June 26th, 2024